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New to organizing your finances (or maybe new to YNAB?) Pop the bubbly, you’re here! Check out the most popular posts about how to be a better money manager.

New to organizing your finances (or maybe new to YNAB?) Pop the bubbly, you’re here! Check out the most popular posts about how to be a better money manager.

Get to know your finances. No, really.

Look, although it’s tempting, sticking your head in the sand when it comes to finances never works out well in the long run. Trust us—we’ve studied this extensively. Dealing with money might seem overwhelming at first if you think of it as math, bills, and due dates, but creating a financial road map can help relieve anxiety about upcoming expenses, pay off debt, reach your goals, and justify spending money on fun stuff. It’s only overwhelming until you have a system in place, and we just happen to have a system.

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