Join the movement of YNABers who spend guilt-free thanks to our simple set of life-changing habits.
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As a freelancer, I don’t have a steady income. Making this trip was a dream come true and paying for it with cash was the icing on the cake.
Are you a freelancer who's tired of feeling disorganized at tax time? Use YNAB to easily track your income and organize deductions.
Working on your small business budget but not sure where to start? See a real-life example to help you create your budget.
Recently lost your job or been furloughed? Here's Part 4 of how to manage your money with reduced stress no matter when you'll get paid again.
Recently lost your job or been furloughed? Here's Part 5 of how to manage your money with reduced stress no matter when you'll get paid again.
When you budget only the money you have and ask yourself, “Can I afford this?”, you get a real answer. Yes. No. Not yet.
Recently lost your job or been furloughed? Here's Part 1 of how to manage your money with reduced stress no matter when you'll get paid again.
Budgeting is a journey, my friend, and this is the story of how one couple finally figured out how to get a grip on variable income.
Can you budget with variable income? Yes! In fact, your budget is the key to making sure that you’re never caught empty-handed.
You can repeat this cycle (YNAB's four rules) whenever you get paid. Keep following the steps, keep budgeting, and you’ll reach your goals.
The goal is to live off of money that is at least 30 days old. And there are three significant benefits that make this a goal you want to pursue right away.
If your circumstances or your priorities change, your budget should change too. You didn’t fail or do it wrong. It is supposed to change!
When you forecast, or plan with money you don’t have yet, might put you in a worse position than you were before.
Wondering how to budget with irregular income? The highs are high and the lows are low. Gain financial control when money is unpredictable.
Let's talk about pay cycles. And how you can be in total control of your money even if your pay cycle and your budget cycle don’t align.
Budget for all the things. Even if it's just a little bit every month, you're building the habit. Any money saved is better than no money saved.
All those unknowns in your financial life? A lot of them—maybe even most of them—aren’t actually all that unknown after all.