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20 Reasons I Love YNAB

Slip on your dancing shoes and fire up the disco ball! We’re celebrating YNAB’s 20th Anniversary!

At first, when I was asked to write this list of 20 reasons I love YNAB, I was a little hesitant. That’s a whole lotta reasons… But, I should’ve known better. As I wrote, they just kept on coming.

You see, YNAB has changed my financial wellbeing—profoundly. And I’m definitely not alone. Are there any other finance apps with such a passionate following? I doubt it. I feel like a part of something special. Like I’m in on a big, shared secret (but it’s the kind worth shouting about in ALL CAPS, like a text from my Mum).

Within the YNAB community, we’ve seen some bold declarations: think custom YNAB license plates, and even tattoos. Permanent body art, you say? That feels like a pretty undeniable testament to the life changing power of the YNAB method and app. In fact, the queue for this joyful celebration party wraps way around the block and beyond. Turns out you can improve a lot of lives over 20 years.

It was a lot of fun to reflect, so I invite you to jump to the front of the conga line and join the party, as we shake and shimmy our way through the list:

1. YNAB gives me calm

In my pre-YNAB days, I never would have thought the words money and calm could be paired together. Gone are the years of burying my head in the sand, or spending with wild abandon and hoping that things “will just work out” (spoiler: they didn’t). YNAB gives me clarity, and with that clarity comes a sense of relief.

Money stress has sloped off to a dark corner somewhere. I’ve found my financial footing, and YNAB is the bedrock.

Clouds part, sunbeams shine down on a 34-year old man checking his spending plan. A picture of serenity, he shrugs nonchalantly and closes the laptop. Today is just another day.

End scene. 

2. Spending with joy (that lasts)

Now that I’m out of my “Confessions of a Shopaholic” era (see above), am I hiding away, counting my pennies like a Dickensian miser? No!

I still spend, but now that spending is considered, not restricted. My pounds are directed towards my passions and priorities, so I love how I spend. By identifying those priorities first with YNAB, transactions become joy-in-action as I bring my intentions to life. (As opposed to the very short term buzz of  “buy now, panic immediately after.”)

3. The sweet satisfaction of funded categories

Almost definitely like skipping through a verdant, luscious meadow on a bright spring morning: my spending plan is a field of green categories.

It’s so reassuring to see that all the things that matter to me are funded. Targets are met. And I’m able to fund everything in one go because… 

4. I am a month ahead

There are different schools of thought here, but count me as a convert to the “fund directly into future months” camp. Example: when I get my July paycheck, that funds the full month of September.

Knowing that I could completely skip my August payday and still be fine makes my toes wriggle. It’s like a tiny little happy dance for someone who expected to spend their whole life catching up.

“Future month” categories are legit too. Whatever route works for you, getting ahead makes a difference.

Curious how to get a month ahead of your expenses? The magic is in the Method. Watch Hannah's video to learn how!

5. YNAB makes money personal

Your money matters because it is an extension of you. So it stands to reason that your spending plan will be unique. A peek at your YNAB would be like reading from a book: memories you’ve made, life milestones, your hopes and dreams—the story of you.

With that in mind, my YNAB is set up just how I like it, and that keeps me engaged. Over the years I’ve honed my categories (and emojis) to show who I am. It’s a one-of-a-kind plan—just like yours. 

6. My life has fewer financial surprises!

Pre-YNAB, I was constantly blindsided. Christmas, again? Didn’t we have that last year?

Holiday gifts, potential (inevitable) car repairs, annual subscriptions… Now I plan for ‘em all. The known annual events, and the other eventualities that will happen, but don’t-know-when. My cash cushion is ready for those True Expenses.

Note, I said fewer surprises. Not no surprises. So…. 

7. The plan is flexible

Expect the unexpected, they say. Sure, I’ll give it a shot… but what if something truly unexpected occurs? There’s no such thing as a “normal month,” so, actually, the unexpected crops up a little more than I would like. George the dog needs two vet visits? Really?!

Thankfully, with my YNAB spending plan I can pivot—with much more ease than Ross from Friends. Following YNAB’s practice of ‘Rolling With the Punches’ makes it easy to adapt when life tosses a curve ball! 

8. It gives me an attitude for gratitude

YNAB helps me to stay on my own path and be grateful for the life I have. Because I’ve designed my own plan, and I’m sticking with it, I get way less FOMO. I’ve consciously excluded categories from my spending plan that I’m not truly interested in.

I’m less concerned about living to impress others, and more dialed in on what lights me up. It feels good.

9. Bye bye, credit card float!

Pre-YNAB, I thought I had it sussed, because I paid the full statement balance of my main spending card each month. Could everybody turn and look, I’m adulting over here!

YNAB opened my eyes to the fact that I was actually riding the float, and paying last month’s purchases with this month’s money. A precarious cycle! Thanks to YNAB, those days are gone and everything I spend on a credit card is truly backed up with cash I have right now. So I can earn those credit card points with confidence.

A credit card

Currently riding the extremely long and sometimes dangerous Lazy River of debt, also known as the credit card float? This blog is for you.

10. Slaying debt left and right

Of course, I had other cards too which were very much not paid-in-full. YNAB helped me to make (and action) a plan to clear those balances, whilst still making room for passions, hobbies, and other priorities in my life. 

Some folks might have a slower (or faster) pay-down journey, and that’s OK. YNAB helps you to carve the path that suits you.

11. Fewer accounts to juggle

One YNAB saying that stood out to me early on was: “fewer moving parts is better.” I’m no engineer (read: can barely hold a screwdriver), but it sounds logical to me! Kinda like a puzzle that has fewer pieces. Way less frustrating.

In “the old days,” I had so many accounts to a) protect me from using that money—an effort in vain, obvs— and b) fool myself that I had more money than I did.

With YNAB, my categories do the work, so I don’t need separate accounts for vacations, emergencies, and sinking funds. Financial admin: reduced. Stress: vanished into thin air.

12. The freedom to start over

I’ve been through several versions of life upheaval in the last few years. I’ve YNABed throughout, but have made a Fresh Start several times.

Changed circumstances call for a change in perspective, and YNAB makes it effortless to wipe the slate and start over, in the best way. It’s not giving up. It’s consciously deciding to regroup and re-assess. (Plus, you’ll still have access to past transaction history, so there’s quite literally nothing to lose.)

Now I’m on a more stable footing, I’m excited to make better use of YNAB’s…

13. Easy-to-understand reporting and data

YNAB’s reports show you the picture of your progress. Lately, I derive great Budget Nerd satisfaction from drilling down into my income vs. expense data to make sure I’m on track. And the new Spending Breakdown feature illustrates how my purchases are aligned with my values.

Pro tip: focus on the longer term trend, because a big sinking fund expense might skew the data in a single month.

14. Money conversations are easier

Finding the words to discuss money with a partner is less of a challenge with YNAB as the neutral third party.

The factual: “What did we spend on that hotel back in 2022?”, as well as the emotional: “We’re not getting takeout tonight because we’re saving for that big trip, and that will be way more rewarding.”

But if we decided takeout was vitally important, that’s OK too. YNAB is a tool to help us make that tradeoff, with a clear map of our priorities that eliminates the ‘bad guy’ vibe. We co-create, discuss, and adjust our spending plan together, and harmony is maintained.

15. The community of YNABers

My day job at YNAB is working in Support. So I get to connect with other YNABers all the time!

Support roles have a bad rap, but YNABers are a special bunch. The energy, the spirit, the desire to learn more. It’s an honor to help our users, and reach a satisfying ping—lightbulb moment—when something clicks.

Yes, we receive unsolicited “I love YNAB” messages every single day, and it never gets old.

16. The real-human support is amazing

Whilst I’m on the subject of Support: in my humble, unbiased opinion, we have a team of rockstars. Ever received a customized video in your budget from Sofia? Or maybe Matthew unraveled your credit card mystery. Every member of the team is a real YNABer, and a genuine, caring human.

True story: my first interaction with Support as a YNABer is what made me think wow, I want to work at YNAB.

17. YNAB’s education and resources

There is so much helpful YNAB content out there. Free workshops. YouTube. Blogs!

Even now, as a 5+ year YNABer I find myself learning new tips ‘n’ tricks. When a new Hannah or Ben video drops? I’m there. When Loose Change lands in my inbox? I’m blown away, every time, by the fascinating dive into the psychology of money.

Great for leveling up your YNABing, wherever you’re at.

18. It’s a healthy habit

As habits go, YNAB is one that makes me feel great. It grounds me in reality, and only takes a few moments each day.

Five minutes of YNAB while I sip my latte? That makes me feel settled. A pleasant contrast to how I feel after slipping into a black hole of doomscrolling the news, as my eyes glaze over and my coffee goes cold.

19. YNAB is ever-evolving

I’m grateful that YNAB has passionate developers behind the scenes, tinkering away like elves in Santa’s workshop. Their job is to make it even easier and more effective to apply the YNAB method.

Big and small, the improvements keep coming. No month goes by where I don’t say a silent thank you for feature releases like the Reflect tab, or for the ability to snooze a Target. 

20. You can have it, too

My favorite flavor of success is the kind that doesn’t come at the expense of others. YNAB isn’t a race, or a competition. It’s a solution that can work for all of us to find financial confidence and even (especially!) joy. 

Imagine finding so much satisfaction in your spending that you’re inspired to customize your license plate. I'm nearly there myself.

Hopefully these 20 reasons will fire you up. Every path will be different, but you can reap the same benefits, and more. What will your reasons-to-love-YNAB be? Time to find out…

Sign up for a free trial of YNAB. It may be our 20th year, but it’s the perfect moment to start your first. 

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20 Reasons I Love YNAB