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YNAB Money Snapshots: See the budget of Kentucky family who are saving for retirement, paying off debt, and saving for college.
After living paycheck to paycheck for years, we started a budget to gain total control of our money, and now we're saving for a house.
See the income and expenses of DINKs as they're aggressively paying down debt (by living with the in-laws) and saving for a house.
YNAB Money Snapshots: See how a Starbucks barista making $23,400/year spends her salary and works toward her goals.
YNAB Money Snapshots: see the budget of a couple living in Missouri and making $37.5K/year as they try to pay cash for law school.
YNAB Money Snapshots: see the budget of a recently engaged supply chain manager in Missouri making $65,340 a year and paying for her wedding in cash.
YNAB Money Snapshots: See the budget of a retired couple living in England and how they manage their money during the golden years.
YNAB Money Snapshots: see the budget of a family with grown kids making $124,000/year and living in Florida focused on aggressive debt payoff.
YNAB Money Snapshots: See the income and expenses of a software consultant living with his partner in D.C. and making $159,000 a year.