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App Feature

Subscription Sharing

Share YNAB with five of your favorites and fund your future together.

Share the love at no added cost

No need to share a password—invite a close-knit group of up to five people to a YNAB Together group as part of your subscription!

Create unlimited spending plans

Members of your group can create or share as many plans as they’d like. As Group Manager, you decide which of your plans to share (or not) with members.

Improve communication

Clarify priorities, set goals, and share responsibilities with your partner, teenager, roommate, or caregivers by using YNAB to get a big picture perspective.

of YNAB users feel more comfortable talking about money
Based on the average of 2025 survey responses

Reach goals together

Targets help clarify your shared priorities and goals. Calculate how much money to set aside and track your progress as you go.

Two category lists, one for household expenses and the other for adventures

Trust your numbers

The Recent Moves feature helps solve money mysteries by tracking changes you or your partner made. Your plan updates across all devices in real time!

A view of the budget page in a web browser and the recent money moves history in a mobile device

Protect your privacy

As Group Manager, sharing your plan is optional, but you can access plans created by members—ideal for teaching teens about money!

Group manager details page in the YNAB web app

Build healthy (easy) habits

Make it convenient to check your plan before spending by adding a widget of your favorite categories to your (or your partner’s) home screen.

Two mobile phones with the YNAB widget on the home screens
A blue brain with wings illustration

Make it a habit

Change your relationship with money

Imagine conversations about spending that are aspirational instead of accusatory. Stop fighting about money and start looking forward to your future.