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YNAB Template

Variable Income

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If you're self-employed, commission-based, or manage you own business, your expenses aren't all monthly nor are they predictable. Variable income can be scary, but YNAB can help. By giving every dollar a job, when you get your next paycheck becomes less important than what you do with it. Each time you earn money, you'll ask yourself the YNAB Method's 5 Questions to give every dollar a job. This template helps you with your unique income rhythm and handling varying expenses to align your money with your life. With time, that generous tip your favorite client gave will get to be a treat instead of a lifeline.


This template is designed with an independent hairstylist's business in mind, earning $6,600 a month. It includes categories for the business and personal expenses, with a varying income schedule in mind.

Template Features

  • Customized targets to fit variable expenses
  • Works with any pay schedule
  • Add to a new or existing budget
  • Won't overwrite current data
  • Select from list of categories during import
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