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YNAB Template


Categories in

Effortlessly organize your travel plans with this template. This template is based on a week-long spring break trip within the U.S. for a family of four and a trip budget of $6,500. It assumes flight costs of $300-$500 per person, and a mid-priced hotel. Update the categories and amounts to fit your life!


Import this template into your YNAB budget. Choose where to add it and make it your own by renaming categories and setting amounts. Enjoy that sense of calm and possibility wash over you. New to YNAB? Start your free trial using the link below, and you'll be prompted to add the template during onboarding.

Template Features

  • Add to a new or existing YNAB account
  • Won't overwrite current data
  • Select from list of categories during import
  • Check the notes in "About this template" for more details
On a mobile device? Get this template in the YNAB web app.

Come back to this link on desktop and you’ll be able to automatically import this template into YNAB.

Copy Template Import Link
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