Non-Monthly Expenses
Say goodbye to getting walloped in the wallet by unexpected expenses. These categories cover often-overlooked but essential parts of your spending. By saving a little bit at a time, you'll build up sinking funds, so you're ready when (not if) you need them. We've created an extensive list that you can pare down to fit your needs (let's be honest, you'll never think of everything!). Imagine this: your pet needs an expensive x-ray, your car needs new tires, your annual membership comes due—and the money is just there, ready to be used. Ahh, sweet peace.
This template is meant to be a comprehensive list of non-monthly expenses, split into monthly costs. While these numbers are highly variable, we've erred on the higher end of the range. Add categories to your YNAB plan, or copy this template and delete excess categories. This is meant to be a starting point, and you can adjust categories and amounts to fit your life.
Template Features
- Import list into a new or existing YNAB account
- Customize and delete to match your own situation
- Set weekly, monthly, yearly, and amount targets by date
On a mobile device? Get this template in the YNAB web app.
Come back to this link on desktop and you’ll be able to automatically import this template into YNAB.