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YNAB Template

New Puppy

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Get ready for the cutest floof of chaos to enter your life with this thorough template of puppy costs from adoption and beyond. They ate the remote? You've got it covered. They ate the remote again? Still covered when you spend and flex with the YNAB Method.


This template is based on a puppy with a $1,200 fee and is based on an intial cost of $2,700. YNAB is designed to be personal, not prescriptive. You might spend more than listed on some things, and less on others. Use these suggested amounts as starting points, then adjust them to fit your priorities.

Template Features

  • Fully customizable
  • Add to an existing budget in YNAB
  • Set and track category targets
On a mobile device? Get this template in the YNAB web app.

Come back to this link on desktop and you’ll be able to automatically import this template into YNAB.

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