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YNAB Template


Categories in

Ready for My First YNAB? Or maybe you're a parent wanting to teach your kids wise money management (and joyful spending). Give this simple category setup a try! Your child can have their very own YNAB plan under your account, and it takes up much less space than multiple piggy banks.


This template is based on a 10-year-old who receives a $40 monthly allowance. In this family, if the child earns their own money through jobs like pet-sitting or babysitting, they have the freedom to decide how to spend or save it. When it comes to saving, this kid saved for short-term goals (like purchasing a Switch or iPad), along with long-term goals, such as saving for a car or college.

Template Features

  • Add up to six additional members under one YNAB subscription
  • Kids can have their own login so they can see their plan but won't be able to see yours
  • See their YNAB anytime as the plan manager
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