Ready to tame your food spending once and for all? It might just need proper funding! Break down your food expenses into multiple categories and easily move money between them whenever you need.
This template is based on USDA monthly food plan costs from 2024 estimates based on moderate-cost plan for a family of four spending $1,000-$1,200 per month. This amount will vary widely depending on your personal situation (special diet, cost of living, food cooked at home vs. out) and this is meant as a starting point to adjust categories and amounts to best fit your life.
Template Features
- Add categories to an existing YNAB account
- Set and track category amounts to save weekly or monthly
- Reference in real time across devices
On a mobile device? Get this template in the YNAB web app.
Come back to this link on desktop and you’ll be able to automatically import this template into YNAB.