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certified YNAB coach

Rachelle Siebke


I help life coaches and solopreneurs who want to be smart with their money. They have enough to meet their needs but want someone to show them exactly how to take more money home and feel confident in their financial decisions. I help them get what they want.

My Background

I've been coaching life coaches and other heart centered purpose driven soloprenuers on their home and business finances for the past 6 years. I teach them how to dream,  build their YNAB budgets around their unique desires and reverse engineer the life that they're dreaming of - and how to use YNAB for their business operating expenses, too!

Why Work with Me

I’m on a mission to create, build up and support 1,000 well-resourced women.

Women who have the time, energy, money and decision-making skills to live, love, and leave any situation without restriction.

I also work with couples and people of all gender identity who want to use money as a tool to get more of the life they want.

I’m certified in life coaching, relationship to trauma, and feminist coaching principles and YNAB.

I volunteer and give 10% of my revenue, not profit, to a local organization that helps women and children heal holistically from domestic violence and sexual abuse.

Why I Coach

You’re focused on serving your ideal clients and growing your business.

You sense your needs are met and you pay bills on time. But when it comes to money, you wonder if you’re making smart decisions. You're worried you’re not making the right decisions.

Your days are jam-packed. You envisioned more time off and trusting that your money’s there when you want to use it, but you still feel out of touch with your money.

I won't just teach you how to use YNAB, I teach you how to build trust with your money decisions and get what you want.

Focus Areas

Variable Income
Small Business Owners
Life Transitions
YNAB Certified Coaches have completed an intensive training program but are not employed by YNAB. Pricing is determined individually by each coach.
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Rachelle Siebke, Money Coach
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Illinois, United States
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YNAB Certified Since
April 2024
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