Mary Boules
I will walk along side you to help you create your personalized budget that works for your unique situation. My bigger mission is to bridge the gap between financial literacy and real-world application, making money management a less daunting -even enjoyable- task.
My Background
I grew up in a middle class, two parent household in Giza, Egypt. I remember very well that my parents never went a month without a budget. At the beginning of every month they would have a budget meeting where the labeled envelopes came out along with the notebook that had all the categories, amounts and incomes written down. Every month, money is placed in envelopes according to a number written on the outside of each envelope. After many years, I found myself using the same zero-based budget my parents used, only in a digital form called YNAB.
Why Work with Me
After my divorce was final, I was faced with many financial changes that I won't have handled without the help of a sound budget (YNAB). During our coaching relationship you will learn how to create a budget that is strong enough to handle change, one that is also flexible to flow as you go through the different seasons of life. You will learn about Spendfulness and you'll have a plan to pay off your debt.
The most important achievement in this journey will be the HOPE that will grow as your confidence in your finances grows.
Why I Coach
Having been through many seasons of life and as I walked on the bridge of change, I had many people walk along side me, with encouragement, support and great wisdom and it only makes sense to extend that to others too. My career as a pharmacist has always been about coaching new and existing staff, to achieve more in life whether by going for a college degree or a certificate or by starting a business. Leading others with integrity and in a manner that inspires trust has been my main focus for years.