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certified YNAB coach

Katharine Williams

I coach people from all walks of life, from all over the world. I have a background in theatre so I've got lots of understanding of freelancers, people in the creative industries, and those on fluctuating incomes.

My Background

I had been teaching emerging theatre professionals since 2017 about personal and professional finance, so when YNAB reached out to me to ask me if I was interested in becoming a Certified Coach, I jumped at the chance.  It is a privilege to work with each person as they grow in confidence and agility about managing their money, using budgeting software, and planning for the future.

If you are a Profit First, Ramit Sethi or Ramsey fan: I'm familiar with all those approaches, too.  Each of them works brilliantly with YNAB.

Why Work with Me

My coaching sessions are a safe space and a judgement-free zone!  People come to financial coaches for a myriad of different reasons and for some of us that is at the end of a really long journey.  

If you're excited about your finances and can't wait to start working with a coach: great!  If you are embarrassed about your finances and want someone to walk beside you in the journey where it all changes for the better: rest assured, I've been coaching YNAB since 2021 and there is not much that I haven't seen!

Why I Coach

I coach because this stuff changes people's lives.

I grew up in a house where money was always spent twice before it arrived.  I lived through my parents' bankruptcy and the effects of that still ripple through my family today.  I started out as a freelancer with no knowledge of how to make my business viable.

I didn't get taught this stuff in school.  I suspect that you probably didn't, either.  It is never too late, not for anyone.  Including you.

Thanks for reading.  Give me a shout if you want to work together.

Focus Areas

Variable Income
Life Transitions
Small Business Owners
YNAB Certified Coaches have completed an intensive training program but are not employed by YNAB. Pricing is determined individually by each coach.
Centre Stage Money
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Meeting Options
YNAB Certified Since
December 2021
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