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certified YNAB coach

Jessica Nethers

Whether you’re a current student, recent graduate, or not so recent graduate, Start Smart Budget Coaching will teach you the skills needed to live within your means while still spending money on things you enjoy and saving for the future.

My Background

I have always been a budget nerd and have tried every budgeting tool on the market. In 2018, we started using YNAB and it immediately changed our lives. My husband and I don't stress over money. We spend on things we enjoy while still saving for our future. After helping a few coworkers get started with YNAB, I decided to become a certified budget coach to teach others how to enjoy their money.

Why Work with Me

Start Smart Budget Coaching picks up where school left off! You spend four years in school, learn everything you need to get a good job, but then you feel lost when figuring out how to manage your money each month. I will teach you how to set up and maintain your budget, how to plan ahead for non-monthly expenses, and how spend money on things you enjoy while still living within your means.

Why I Coach

I have worked in education most of my career, so I know that most schools don't really teach students how to budget or how to live within their means. I became a budget coach to help young adults make smart decisions about their finances and avoid costly mistakes that living above their means can create.

Focus Areas

College Grads
YNAB Certified Coaches have completed an intensive training program but are not employed by YNAB. Pricing is determined individually by each coach.
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Start Smart Budget Coaching
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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
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Meeting Options
Remote & In-Person
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YNAB Certified Since
June 2024
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