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certified YNAB coach

Janine Adams


YNAB changed my life and I'd love to help it change yours too. I can help you figure out your priorities so you can make choices around your money based on what's important to you. YNAB is a fantastic tool for that and I'm here to guide you.

My Background

I'm a Certified Professional Organizer; I started Peace of Mind Organizing in 2005 and since then have helped hundreds of clients create peace and order in their homes. I help YNAB clients do the same with their money. I have three blogs, including a YNAB blog at peaceofmindspending.com, and for five years co-hosted a podcast about letting go of perfectionism. I use the Profit First method combined with YNAB for my business money and have found the combination to be easy and helpful.

Why Work with Me

As a professional organizer I learned that everyone makes choices based on their own priorities. And I learned how to help them figure out those priorities. My approach with YNAB is to help clients understand the method and also understand the mind shifts necessary to fully benefit from YNAB. I am gentle and attentive without badgering. I never judge. I'm a cheerleader and a guide and I want to root on your success!

Why I Coach

I used to be pretty terrible with money. I spent mindlessly, racked up lots of debt and lived in constant financial stress. Once I found YNAB, I got out of debt (and stayed out of debt) and changed my spending habits. I experienced the peace of knowing where my money was going and prioritizing how I wanted to spend it. In short, I now control my money instead of it stressing me out. I absolutely love helping clients experience the life-changing effects of embracing the YNAB method and mindset and living spendfully.

Focus Areas

Variable Income
Small Business Owners
YNAB Certified Coaches have completed an intensive training program but are not employed by YNAB. Pricing is determined individually by each coach.
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Peace of Mind Spending
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St. Louis, Missouri, United States
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YNAB Certified Since
March 2023
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