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certified YNAB coach

Emily Blain


Budgeting on a variable income is hard--you've tried templates and spreadsheets but they just don't quite work when you can't count on the same income every month. YNAB can! I'll help you get set up so you can trust that you can meet your goals--both saving *and* spending.

My Background

I have a degree in Music Education which aligns surprisingly well with financial coaching! I started using YNAB in 2017 and became a financial coach in 2019 after realizing there was actually a job where you could help people make budgets! I'm a member of the Financial Coaches Network and am working on my Accredited Financial Counselor certification.

Why Work with Me

I've never been afraid of someone saying, "Wait, I don't get it. Can you explain it again?" Back in high school, my orchestra teacher would ask me to explain things to the class when his explanations weren't translating from "doctorate" to "high school" language. I'm here to share my knowledge but above all, listen to your needs. Talking about money makes some people squeamish and I get that! I promise to be a judgement-free zone (I also teach viola lessons and my house is well-known to my students as a "positive self-talk area") and treat you with compassion and empathy.

Why I Coach

If only there were a magic switch that flipped when people turned 18, 21, 22, heck even 25 that magically transferred the knowledge of how to manage money! Most schools don't teach budgeting, most parents don't talk about money...where are folks supposed to learn this?! I got lucky with parents who DID talk about money and realized in college that most people didn't get that. So...I became a financial coach to help people figure all this out! I'm especially passionate about helping people with variable incomes because template budget spreadsheets can be extra challenging for you!

Focus Areas

Variable Income
YNAB Certified Coaches have completed an intensive training program but are not employed by YNAB. Pricing is determined individually by each coach.
Dream Big Financial Coaching
Minnesota, United States
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YNAB Certified Since
March 2024
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