Looking to make some progress with New Year financial resolutions for 2022? Set yourself up for success with this resolution toolkit.
New Year’s is an underrated holiday. I’m not talking about New Year’s Eve—which is wholly overrated if you ask me, since I turn into a potato the minute the clock strikes 10pm. But I do love the day after—the clear, crisp hope of January 1. There are no plans, no schedules, no traditions to maintain. On that day, most of us find ourselves with a free day of sleeping in and a deep, burning motivation to better our situations.
If your 2022 resolution is of the money variety (you want to beef up your bank accounts, get out of credit card debt, bulk up retirement savings, or pay off your mortgage), we’ve got all sorts of fantastic tools to help you reach your financial goals. Whether you’re entering budgetland with wide eyes and a little nervousness, or you’re a seasoned YNABer with 10 years of perfect personal finance data, we’ve got something for everyone.
Make Your New Year Financial Resolutions Stick
All of these options are free, free, and free. They don’t cost a cent or require any credit card commitment to watch, sign up, or benefit from their monied wisdom. And yes, that leaves you with one fewer excuse to not join one. 😉 Check ’em out:

The More Money Challenge
What: Push the reset button on your spending with a 30-day money challenge to get you closer to your financial goals.
What would you do with an extra $1,000 just over a month from now? Well, decide quickly—because for this challenge, you’re going to do just that.
Before you start the challenge, you decide what it is that you want. Maybe it’s to save for a vacation, buy that gorgeous jacket you’ve been eyeing, or even to build a bigger emergency fund. Then, for 30 days you follow three daily rules to get there—the average participant saves $1,000 or more!
More Money Challenge Daily Rules:
- Track your spending.
- Only buy essentials.
- No eating out. (I felt you wince there—I know I sure did!)
At the end of 30 days, you’ll have a guilt-free pile of money to get what you want. And just like that BAM—your money is lined up with your priorities.
Perfect for: Anyone and everyone trying to get in better financial shape. This is ideal for the person who is self-proclaimed “terrible with money” to take the first step for better financial health, but even the most seasoned budgeter will find value in pushing reset if you’ve hit a plateau and want to refocus.
If your goal is to pay off debt, we highly recommend joining the Debt Bootcamp for all the added support and training it provides (details up next!)
When: Sign up anytime and get your downloadable workbook to fill out before you begin your challenge!
Do I need to use YNAB? Optional
Need some inspiration for your 2022 New Year financial resolutions? We’ve got a list of ideas!

The Debt Bootcamp
What: A four-week intensive email series specifically focused on paying off debt. It’s run by our delightful community manager, Ben B., and you’ll learn the secret to getting out of debt (and STAYING out of debt) with resources and encouragement to support you every step of the way.
Who it’s for: If you’re a YNABer trying to pay off debt, we can’t recommend this bootcamp highly enough! We’ve seen so much success from participants in past bootcamps and many pay off thousands during this sprint. Make this the year you finally tackle that debt!
When: Sign up whenever you’re ready (like today!)
Do I need to use YNAB? Optional

The Self-Guided Debt Video Course
What: If you prefer a watch-at-your-own-pace approach, this video course will guide you through making a debt plan while teaching you the secret to staying out of debt. There are 14 lessons led by the hilarious Hannah and Ben M., with a total runtime of just over an hour.
Who it’s for: Anyone who is fed up with debt and ready to be free of it but doesn’t know where to start. Much of the learning material from the debt bootcamp is covered in this course, but if you really want to get traction in your debt payoff, we recommend using the video course as an introduction to debt payoff while also joining the Debt Bootcamp community for added firepower. If you enjoy the video course, check out the rest of YNAB’s video resources!
Do I need to use YNAB? Nope!
When: Anytime!

Free Workshops
What: Our live classes are interactive online sessions with YNAB teachers that cover a variety of topics. Need help getting started with YNAB? Ask the experts. Looking to level up your savings? Manage credit cards? Maintain your budget? They know about all of that and more. Get practical, hands-on instruction in an informal small group setting…for free! Ask questions, get answers, and learn how to make (and stick) to a financial plan that will help you fulfill your New Year’s resolutions all year long.
Who it’s for: Anyone! From the brand-new budgeter to the experienced YNABer looking to expand their knowledge. Get extra guided support, extra encouragement, and answers to all of your budgeting questions.
Do I need to use YNAB? Well, since the workshops teach you how to use YNAB in different ways…yes. But we have a free 34-day trial to help you get started!
When: Check the schedule to find a time and topic that works for you!

Master Your Grocery Budget Workshop
What: Pull up a seat and join YNAB teachers Erin, Ernie, and Dave for a round table discussion about a budget category that’s often bloated…groceries. Get helpful tips and tricks to help you organize your meals, your shopping, your food budget, and your fridge, freezer, and pantry. Bonus: You could win a grocery gift card!
Who it’s for: Anyone who buys and/or eats food. Start maximizing your shopping trips and make your grocery money last a little longer!
Do I need to use YNAB? No! This information is helpful for anyone who can’t figure out how they’re always spending so much at the grocery store.
When: There are two sessions scheduled for January, sign up soon!
Sign up for Monday, January 3, 2022 at 8pm EST
Sign up for Thursday, January 6th, 2022 at 2:30pm EST
Whatever your New Year financial resolutions are, we know you’ll succeed…and we’d love to help!