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Rachel Wong

Content Lead at YNAB

Rachel Wong is an Accredited Financial Counselor®, content manager, writer, and the creator of a content curriculum that teaches money skills to emerging adults. When she’s not waxing poetic about the joys of YNAB or helping people wrangle their finances, Rachel enjoys staying active, digging her hands into gardening and trying out new homemade ice cream flavors.

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How We Built a More Spendful Life

Behind the chaos was years of quiet, intentional choices that made Rachel's dream a reality. Here’s how she built her spendful life—and how you can too.

YNAB Templates: Blueprints for Life’s Big Moments

Visualize it—see YNAB templates to inspire your next life change or project. Take the guesswork out of planning for these expenses with our pre-built templates!

Reflect on Your Spending with YNAB’s New Feature

With YNAB’s newest feature, you now have a new way to look at your finances. Join me in rolling out the red carpet for…drumroll please…the Spending Breakdown.

More Money Challenge: Can You Do It?

Join the More Money Challenge to save money and restart your financial health. Follow three rules for 30 days. Can you do it?

How to Craft a Simple Weekly Spending Template

Get started on a free plan for a weekly budget template that meets your needs while keeping your financial goals in sight.

How to Pay Off Debt Fast: 12 Ideas

Wondering how to pay off debt fast with a honey badger-level intensity? Defeat debt in record time. We've got a few ideas to get you started.

Maximize Your Vacation Budget

Want to learn to build a vacation budget that eliminates spending stress? We have Four Rules to help you spend and save on your next getaway!

A Variable & Non-Monthly Expense List for Your Budget

Wondering how to budget for variable or non-monthly expenses? We've got a list to get you started toward total control over your money.

10 Ways to Get a Month Ahead on Bills

How can you get a month ahead on bills? Learn how to have a pile of money waiting for bills rather than the other way around.

How to Stress Less About Money: 4 Simple Rules

For those who have tried organizing your finances and failed, it's not you: it's your method. Learn how to stress less with YNAB's 4 Rules.

How to Stick to a Budget: Proven Budgeting Habits

Looking for tips on how to stick to a budget? Sometimes that's the hardest part. We'll lay out six habits for lasting budgeting success.

20 Financial New Year's Resolutions for 2023

Why not make it the best year ever? Set financial New Year's resolutions for 2023 to organize your finances and optimize your life!