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What is a Staycation?

The time is fast approaching where people will start thinking about, planning, and going on vacation. If you’re looking for a way to have a great time and save a bundle, you need to learn about staycations.

What is a Staycation?

Urban Dictionary states that a staycation is “a vacation that is spent at one’s home enjoying all that home and one’s home environs have to offer.”

Let's consider a typical vacation:

  • You leave your “comfort” zone.
  • You’re stressed about forgetting something, being on time, losing things on the way, going fast, waiting, etc.
  • The hotel bed’s not as nice, clean, soft, cold, or warm as you’d like.
  • The food is high-calorie, low-density, straight-to-the-hips type stuff!
  • According to the American Automobile Association, the average North American vacation “will cost $244 per day for two people for lodging and meals… Add some kids and airfare, and a 10-day vacation could top $10,000.”
  • Let’s face it. Vacations are exhausting!

How do Staycations Work?

Staycations are done from your home (usually taking day trips), where you don’t need to pack, wait at airports, or make unusually long drives. You get to sleep in your own bed and you can pack healthier food that is far less expensive!

7 Tips to Make Your Staycation a Success

  1. Shut off all communication. Do not be reachable by your employer if at all possible.
  2. Set a specific date and time.
  3. Order takeout or go out to eat.
  4. Take plenty of pictures.
  6. Avoid your normal routines.
  7. Consult tourist guides for your area and go into “tourist mode”. You’ll be amazed at all of the great places surrounding you!

Your staycation will bomb if you wake up and aimlessly begin watching The Today Show instead of getting out and doing something in your local area that you’ve never done before. Be relentless about planning. (Even if you’re planning to sleep until 10, eat breakfast until noon, swim in your backyard until 3, and catch a matinee then dinner — see how easy that was?)

Remember, this isn’t necessarily about not spending any money, it’s about spending a lot less and exploring the area closer to home. It’s about intentionally relaxing :)

See how to turn vacation dollars into staycation dollars!

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What is a Staycation?