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Mark Butler

Mark Butler has been discussing balance sheets, cash flow, and small business strategies with Jesse Mecham for years—first, as friends and, more recently, as a co-host of the Beginning Balance podcast.

As a cash flow consultant for business owners, Mark realized that high-income earners struggle with self-destructive money thoughts and bad habits just like the rest of us, and founded Money School to help others find peace and progress despite highly variable income.

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Budgeting on a Limited Income: $2,600/Month

Trying to make budgeting on a limited income work? See a real life example from a married couple in their 30s taking home $2600/month.

One Simple Way to Increase Your Income

I hope to create a $200,000 per year income within the next three years or so. Here's how I'm planning on getting there.

Follow Up: We Spend Almost $10K/Month

Wow. “Bill” – and Bill’s wife – are cool. Although I tried to be civil about it, I pretty much threw the two of you to the frugality wolves and you took it 100% in stride.

See My Budget: I Spend Almost $10K/Month

Take a deep breath, climb down off your high horse, and think about the mom, dad, and two boys behind the numbers I’m about to share.

We Cut Our Spending: How It’s Going After Three Months

Three months have passed since I committed to putting all major expenses on the table. The dialog and introspection that post inspired have created big progress in my finances.

Why Is It So Hard to Talk About Money?

If you’re struggling to talk about money in your CLOSEST relationship, here’s a few questions that will help you break the ice.

My Excel Spreadsheet Budget Works Just Fine, Thank You

If my wife and I wanted to separate most of our finances while sharing certain bills, here’s how I’d do it: 1 budget file 3 checking accounts (Mark’s, Kate’s, Shared) 3 master categories (Mark’s, Kate’s, Shared) *I say ‘3 checking accounts’ for simplicity, but it’s more accurate to say three types of acc

Separate Accounts, Shared Budget

Some partners prefer to budget together for shared expenses and separately for others. Here's one way to do that in YNAB!

The Cost of Eating Out? $3,700: See the Gory Details

Eating out is expensive, but you didn't need me to tell you that. I tracked every dollar to weigh the question: was it worth it?

Is It Worth it to Bike to Work?

From November 1998 to October 1999, a mountain bike was my sole means of transportation. I was living in northern Virginia at the time, riding around in a white shirt and tie with a little black name tag.