Ashley McCann
Content Marketing Manager at YNAB

Ashley brings a powerhouse of skills to the YNAB team with a background in writing, journalism, and SEO wizardry. After spending far too long blaming the mysteries of math for her money problems, Ashley discovered YNAB (way back in the days of Whiteboard Wednesday) and learned to think about money as a possibility instead of a problem. Now she manages YNAB's team of accomplished writers and collaborates on messaging and content strategy in an effort to help others experience less financial stress.
When she's not rearranging the alphabet, defending the honor of the Oxford comma, and abusing alliteration, Ashley spends her days in South Florida meeting the many (many) needs of her cats and trying to convince her two young adult sons that her job is legitimate work, despite looking like so much fun.
Featured Articles

Budgeting Terms: The YNAB Dictionary of Definitions
Learn to speak the language of financial freedom with some of the most common budgeting terms from A to Z in our YNAB dictionary.

How to Create a Wedding Budget in YNAB
Getting married is an exciting, emotional—and potentially expensive—event. Learn three different ways to create a wedding budget in YNAB.

Beginning Balance: A Podcast for Small Business Owners
Beginning Balance is a podcast for small business owners who are ready to conquer cash flow, save their sanity, and build their bottom line.
All articles by
Wondering What to Do With a Tax Refund?
Wondering what to do with a tax refund? Consider these four ways to put your tax refund to work for your future.
It’s Never “Just” Money
Why do people rise to their best when circumstances are at their worst? Join Ashley to discover the deeper meaning of spendfulness and learn how to become wealthy in what matters.
How to Get Back on Track with YNAB
Did you fall off of the budgeting bandwagon? It's never too late to get back on track. Learn to enjoy a guilt-free Fresh Start with YNAB.
Hello, It’s Me (Minus the Money Stress): A Tale of Treats & Travel
Is an impromptu trip to Italy irresponsible? Not always. Learn how YNAB helped one woman organize her finances in a way that offered new opportunities.
The Goal of Good Enough
“Good enough” is a state to be celebrated. It's normal to feel a little less motivated when it comes to managing your money (or life!) sometimes.
YNAB Isn’t a Mint Alternative—It’s Better
With Mint, you were an armchair quarterback. With YNAB, you're the head coach of a team with unlimited potential. Manage your money to greatness.
YNAB vs. Mint: A Better Way to Manage Money
Looking for a new money management app now that Mint is going away? What if we told you there wasn’t just a better alternative, but an opportunity to change your whole relationship with money? Welcome to YNAB.
The Best Back to School Tips and Advice
We asked, you answered. Learn the best back to school tips, tricks, and advice to keep your back to school budget manageable this year.
What is a Fixed Expense?
Eliminate some of the uncertainty that comes with living a busy life by creating a monthly budget that includes fixed expenses.
How to Budget for Periodic Expenses
What are periodic expenses? They're the natural predator of most monthly budgets. Learn to easily conquer these infrequent money monsters.
Win $100: Four Rules to Live By
Share four rules that your mom passed on to you as a framework for living a meaningful life for a chance to win $100.
The Cash Envelope System (with Printable Workbook)
Download our printable workbook to help you set up a cash envelope system. We also have an easier digital alternative for managing money!