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Spending Breakdown: Reflecting Just Got Easier

July 22, 2024
YNAB screen of the mobile Spending Breakdown showing total spending for the month and the category percentages

Welcome to the Reflect tab! Spending money has never been this fun. Picture your new Spending Breakdown like a closet that’s just been reorganized. Suddenly, you might notice an overabundance of blue collared shirts, but only a single pair of jeans. Likewise, with the Spending Breakdown, you might notice a glut of home expenses but the date night category spending is looking surprisingly light. With these insights, you might buy a few less things on Amazon this month, or immediately schedule that much-needed date night. This playful view helps you tweak your plan and actions to find the perfect balance

We’ve also renamed the Reports tab to Reflect to capture the heart of what we want for you in YNAB. Just like a quick smile in the mirror shows you if you have chia seeds stuck in your teeth, reflecting on your spending helps you see where your money is going and make adjustments if needed.

We hope this fun space gives you the tools you need for thoughtful reflection!

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