Nick True’s Starter Template
Get started using Nick True's template that blends top-of-mind bills with build-a-better-life category groups. He designed this for a beginning YNABer living check-to-check and looking for more margin.
The sample amounts are based on a family of four living in a low-to-medium cost of living area and taking home around $7,500/month. They are working on a debt snowball, so they aren't saving a lot of irregular expenses but they are trying to save a little each month so they don't have to take on m ore debt when things come up. Take the amounts with a grain of salt, and update the categories and amounts to match your family and life.
Template Features
- Import categories to new or existing YNAB account
- Customize categories and order
- Set and track target amounts
On a mobile device? Get this template in the YNAB web app.
Come back to this link on desktop and you’ll be able to automatically import this template into YNAB.