Join the movement of YNABers who spend guilt-free thanks to our simple set of life-changing habits.
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Why not make it the best year ever? Set financial New Year's resolutions for 2023 to organize your finances and optimize your life!
Make your New Year's resolution this year to pay off your debt and get your finances under control. YNAB can help with two different plans!
Melissa Schultz has smoked for as long as she can remember. Believe it or not, budgeting is what finally helped. Find out how.
You've tried this whole budgeting thing but it just doesn't work. Here's why your budget doesn't work (and how to make it so it does).
No matter where you are in your journey, this good, basic advice will help you succeed in gaining total control of your money.
Why is budgeting important? Budgeting isn't as boring as it sounds; in fact, it can allow you to take risks that pay off for a lifetime.
Whether you’re trying to save up for a big purchase or crush debt, here are a few tricks to help you funnel more dollars toward your dreams.
Overspending happens. If you’ve slid off-track with your spending, here are three steps to help you regain control.
Imagine saying goodbye, forever, to your student loans or never worrying about when your next payday is, all while enjoying the process of budgeting.
My budget is predictable. It’s boring. And, with a little fun money along the way, it’s the most satisfying kind of boredom there is!
Budgeting has a bad rap for being restrictive, but what if you looked at it as a ticket to your biggest, best life, instead?
The reward for decluttering your home or tidying up your finances is less anxiety, more breathing room (literal and metaphorical) and fresh potential.
Change is hard but establishing healthy money habits can change your whole a good way. Check out the YNAB team's budgeting habits!
You might be surprised how much satisfaction you’ll feel when you make spending decisions that support your long-term happiness.
Transaction rounding apps and services promise to help you save by removing you from the process. But does that really lead to long-term life change?
When you start your very first budget in YNAB, we prompt you to “Give Every Dollar a Job,” and it’s Rule One of our method for good reason: If you’re looking to heal your broken finances and/or achieve some big money goals, it’s a tried and true formula for success—no matter how broken or big.
Imagine that you’ve achieved everything that you wrote down. If we published your story on YNAB’s blog, what would your headline be?
Lying to your budget is an easy money mistake to make. Improve your finances and your stress level with honesty about your spending.