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certified YNAB coach

Kate Thompson


I like to see people shift their idea of budgeting and drop the fear or uncertainty surrounding money. Let's chat about teaching healthy habits, just starting out, big life changes, or breaking the paycheck to paycheck life. I'm a 15+ yr YNABer who wants to see you succeed!

My Background

When I first started out on my own adult-life with my partner, we would frequently run into issues with money...not having enough for groceries and bills, overdraft fees, and the list goes on. We would resort to borrowing money from friends and family, or turning to credit cards. Then I found YNAB...and it sounds cliché, but it did change our lives! Our lives and budget have changed through pets, kids, homes, and health. YNAB has also continued to built it better. I love learning on the new tools they provide!

Why Work with Me

I am ready to help YOU break the cycle of financial stress through budgeting. YES YOU CAN...

Break the paycheck - to - paycheck cycle

Trust yourself to grow your bank account balance

Make informed decisions about using your money

Pay down debt (and use it wisely where it makes sense!)

Stick to it!!

Why I Coach

I have training and certifications specifically in use of the YNAB Software. I can help you to unwind your current money habits and to develop financial independence from what you already have. Notice that I say I help YOU to do these things. As a Coach, I will help you build the skills necessary to continue without me (though I'm always happy to connect if something comes up!) I will not make choices for you, but I may offer suggestions or feedback based on my observations. In the words of Denis Morton, "I make suggestions. You make decisions."

Focus Areas

Variable Income
College Grads
YNAB Certified Coaches have completed an intensive training program but are not employed by YNAB. Pricing is determined individually by each coach.
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YNAB Coaching by Kate
St. Petersburg, Florida, United States
Meeting Options
Remote & In-Person
YNAB Certified Since
July 2022
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