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certified YNAB coach

Jack Brady

Jack Brady, self-employed business owner since 1990, runs multiple businesses and has used many accounting and software packages. YNAB was the choice because of adaptability to individual needs. Became certified because of belief in the product and support of YNAB Team.

My Background

Business owner of different businesses, Service Repair, Construction, and Project management.

Why Work with Me

I am flexible and understand different life goals and dreams based only what you feel you are suppose to not the percentage telling you what to do.

Why I Coach

My passion is for small business owners and individuals with variable income because being able to know the condition of your finances is one of the most freeing feeling there is and YNAB provides that.

Focus Areas

Variable Income
Small Business Owners
YNAB Certified Coaches have completed an intensive training program but are not employed by YNAB. Pricing is determined individually by each coach.
Budget for Life
Milford, New Hampshire, United States
Meeting Options
Remote & In-Person
YNAB Certified Since
May 2024
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