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Ben Barlowe

Education Content Writer at YNAB

Ben Barlowe is a personal finance educator, public voice, and writer for YNAB. Ben is one-half of the dynamic duo behind Budget Nerds, a bi-weekly podcast he hosts with fellow YNAB educator Ernie Reppe. Ben also regularly hosts live chats on YNAB’s instagram page and presents YNAB’s habit-building method wherever he can! You’ll also find Ben fluttering around all the many active YNAB communities across the internet. 

Ben started using YNAB in 2013 and joined the team in 2016 as a workshop teacher. Since then, he has become a jack-of-all-trades, doing a little bit of everything for the YNAB team, always with a focus on education. Ben lives in Lynchburg, Virginia with his wife, four kids, and giant great dane puppy. When not teaching people about YNAB, Ben loves playing poker, D&D, and board games with his friends. He also loves hiking, swimming, and trying not to break his arm on his Onewheel.

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The People Have Spoken: “Is YNAB Worth It?”

Have you been wondering what all the fuss is about and asking “Is YNAB worth it?” Here are the results of a giant survey of YNAB users to help you answer that question once and for all. (Spoiler: It is!)

How Money Can Buy Happiness—Wait, What?

New research has questioned the ubiquitous idea that money doesn’t make you happier once you reach $75,000 and suggests that the real secret is in how you spend, not how much you make.

Top 10 Frequently Asked YNAB Questions

You've got questions, we've got answers. Here are the 10 most frequently asked questions from new YNABers.

New to YNAB? Start Here!

Wondering where to start in YNAB? A little confused about what to do next? We've got a list of helpful videos that'll teach you how to love the way you spend!

Experiences Age Like Wine, Things Age Like Milk

Discover the psychology behind why we so often prioritize things over experiences. The "Ben's" of YNAB dive into some practical tip to prioritize memory-making.

What It’s Like to Work at YNAB

It’s well-known that YNAB team members enjoy a fantastic culture. It turns out getting the YNAB software for free is a huge part of that.

How to Free Yourself from Money Dysmorphia

Money dysmorphia is a financial fog that is plaguing the masses! The YNAB Method can help you dispel the fear, face reality, and discover what you want most out of life.

4 Reasons Why You Really Ought to Keep the Change

Transaction rounding apps and services promise to help you save by removing you from the process. But does that really lead to long-term life change?

5 Ways to Get YNAB for Free

Did you know there are a bunch of ways to get YNAB for free? See if one of these five ways applies to you!

Where is the Money Going to Come From?

What if you could answer the question, “Where is the money going to come from?” every single time? The YNAB Method will show you how!

20 Fun Ways to Name Your YNAB

Did you know you can name your YNAB spending plan anything you want? Here are some fun ideas for naming your budget from the community.

Managing Allowance: Moving from Cash to Categories

Ben B. has tried everything to manage his kids' allowances—conversations, coin jars, cash envelopes, and trusty software. Read on to learn what worked and what didn't.