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A steady stream of YNAB improvements for your reading pleasure. Grab some tea. Cozy up with a Snuggie® and enjoy.

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YNAB's Loan Planner Just Got Better

A picture of the Loan payoff simulator in the YNAB web app

Today is a good day for loan account users! We’re releasing a new layout for our loan accounts that includes a new data visualization that will give you better insight into different payment possibilities. With the new progress chart, you can easily see the history of your loan payments and how you are tracking towards your debt payoff goals.

We also revamped the paired category card within loan accounts to give you a better glimpse of your debt payment target information, and added the option to open up our payoff simulator directly in your spending plan! With these tools at your fingertips, debt doesn’t stand a chance 🔥

Introducing: YNAB Together!

Once upon a time in the YNABverse, YNABing was an individual sport. You linked accounts (or didn’t), practiced YNAB’s method, and gradually life got less stressful. You felt more in control. You saved for a down payment, paid down your debt, or bought hot dog finger gloves. And you felt great about it.

But maybe you wished that you could share the power of YNAB with your partner, your teenage children, or use it to help manage an elderly parent’s finances. It changed your life, but what about the people you care the most about? Sure, everyone could share passwords and pretend their name is Tanya, but who has the time for it?

Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of YNAB Together, our brand-new solution for partners, families, and other close-knit groups of up to six people who want to share money management and take on their dreams—all for the price of a single subscription!

Introducing: Custom Flags

A screenshot of flags in the YNAB mobile app

Here at YNAB, we know that managing your finances can often feel like a juggling act. Between your savings goals, subscriptions, and daily spending, sometime you just need another layer of organization. Don't worry, we've got you!

We're thrilled to announce that you can now set custom names for transaction flags in YNAB on all platforms! This update allows you to give your flags a useful name like “Health Care” or “Tax Deductible” or, well, just about anything! You can also resize the flags column on the web to show/hide flag names to your heart’s desire.

June 29, 2022
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Introducing: Financial Wellness by YNAB

Did you hear the big news? We launched Financial Wellness by YNAB! It’s now incredibly easy for companies to offer YNAB as a workplace benefit (and even easier for you to copy/paste these templates and send to HR to get the ball rolling). Learn more here! 

April 18, 2022
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Switch Easily Between Plans

A screenshot of recent budgets from the settings of the YNAB web app

First, let’s just get this out of the way: you do know you can have more than one plan, right? Ok, ok, I know. You’re a professional YNABer. I just didn’t want to assume. And NOW you can switch between your spending plans faster than you can say bippity-boppity-boo. Just click down to “Open Budget” in the top nav and scroll down through your five most recently opened plans. 

April 18, 2022
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Express Yourself: Pick a Custom App Icon on iOS

An image of the 13 available app icons for iOS

Did you ever wake up in the middle of the night and wonder, "Hey, how come I never see the YNAB icon in cursive or next to a rainbow?" Exactly, we did too! On iOS, you can now customize your most touched icon by going to "Settings," then tapping "App Icon." Go for the gold or reflect the seasons. Whatever you choose, your spending plan just got a new front door!

Direct Import in the UK and EU

It’s a BIG day in the YNAB-verse—and one that we've been dreaming about for a long time! Drumroll, please...

Direct Import is now available for select UK and EU banks through our new Direct Import partner, TrueLayer. First time linking an account? Check out our instructions for the web and mobile devices below!

Introducing: YNAB's Loan Planner

A screenshot of an example car loan pay down chart within YNAB

Find more money to pay off your loans with YNAB’s new Loan Planner feature. It acts as an in-app loan calculator and combines with your budget to make your payoff plan a sweet, sweet reality. If the YNAB Method is a shield protecting you against debt, the Loan Planner is like a spear—vanquishing loans and draining them dry. Take your time (and money) back with this powerful new feature.

YNAB Widgets for Mobile

A screenshot of categories in the YNAB widget or iOS

Want to know your gift budget at a glance? See your remaining available for groceries? Wish granted (and yes, buy that gelato). If you’re an iPhone user, you now have the ability to view categories right on your home screen. Welcome to the wonderful world of widgets for YNAB!

Tackling the YNAB Learning Curve: A New First Time User Experience

It's no secret that YNAB's learning curve is a little steep. So, we thought we'd give it the old squasheroo. With a new learning-driven design, YNAB is now more accessible to novices and experts alike. See the new features now in your budget like Auto-Assign, edit mode, reconciliation on mobile, and why the new update makes it easier for your coworker’s friend’s sister to start their first budget. Get a full rundown of what's new here!