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Erin Lowell

Lead Educator at YNAB

Erin is a former choir teacher turned budgeting teacher, who manages the small but mighty team of educators at YNAB. She is always looking for ways to get people excited about budgeting, because budgeting actually is really exciting. 

Erin started working at YNAB after using it to pay off the credit card debt she racked up during a long and unnerving period of home renovations on her old farmhouse. Over the course of her time at YNAB she’s taught over 100,000 people how to budget (which is roughly the size of the entire population of Green Bay, Wisconsin). She lives in Maine with a small collection of cats and a dog named Charlie. When the weather cooperates, she hikes the Appalachian Trail, and hopes to complete the entire trail someday. In the winter when the weather isn't so nice for hiking, she quilts for charity. 

Erin’s favorite rule is Rule Three: Roll With the Punches, because she loves changing her mind.

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